Phase Missions Assistance Program
Watering the feet of those who GO!
P-MAP– “ Phase Missions Assistance Program” Is our project that focuses on the care and ministry to pastors, missionaries and lay ministers working in distress, persecution or abandonment, helping them to start, run and finish strong this race they are called to.
P-MAP serves as the compass navigating Christian leaders through the hazards of ministry. With unwavering guidance, we empower leaders to navigate challenges and emerge victorious.
Our core reliance is in the care and loved administered by the Holy Spirit through meaningful worship and prayer moments.

3 Main Conditions
What needs we speak to
African indigenous missionaries and leaders are plagued with the idea of working with little, income, less resources and some times mounting pressure from their physical environment. Many are not coping.
The persecuted church in Africa is complex, full of pain and suffering and few dare to go there. Our work is to embrace those paying the highest price for the gospel to spread and to be a pillar of love and support where possible.
Many indigenous missionaries and church planters are often supported for a limited period before being disowned by their sending organizations and churches. The plight of abandoned ministers in the mission field is astounding to say the least. We reach out to offer hope and encouragement.
3 Main Regions
East and Central Africa
We have served the Eastern African region for 7 years. Responding to the trauma resulting in the unique geo-political situations in that region. We ministered on average to 150 to 200 delegtes on each event.
West and North Africa
Our expansion into the West begins with Burkina Faso, in 2024. We aim to bring ministers from this volatile region into Ghana for the first time to offer ministry and debriefing for the first time ever.
Southern Africa
Re-entering the region where it all begun 10 years ago. We are now in the process of re-launching projects in the Southern African regions yet again. As doors and hearts re-open, we are recruiting teams to serve these nearby familiar regions.
3 Main Categories
Focus is on healthy marriages, healthy singlehood, and a wholesome family environment even if outward forces are not ideally supporting this.
The persecuted church in Africa is complex, full of pain and suffering and few dare to go there. Our work is to embrace those paying the highest price for the gospel to spread and to be a pillar of love and support where possible.
Addressing the special needs of adolescents who are finding themselves in the world and in Christ. Creating a safe space for debriefing, meaningful conversations and ministry.
3 Main Ways to Help
The most important aspect of our ministry is prayer. Volunteers who assist us in prayer are the corner stone of our effectiveness. Intercession is a serious function within our organization.
Our financial obligation to achieve the logistics, and hospitality requirements of each event can never be understated. We have received support from generous givers who remain our most valuable partners in ministry.
There is no greater way to show love to those in persecution, distress and abandonment than to jump into that plane and physically Go. While the Spiritual input is paramount the physical presence is most therapeutic for a wounded soul. Join our going team.